Brewery solutions

Discover comprehensive brewing equipment for beer and beyond beer

Alfa Laval brings unparalleled innovation to the brewing industry with a comprehensive array of brewery equipment designed to elevate every aspect of the beer brewing process. From cutting-edge beer centrifuges for improved yields to advanced flash pasteurization modules that ensure product quality and shelf life, our range also covers deaerated water, dealcoholization technologies, dry-hopping systems, yeast plants, carbonation and blending and more. Alfa Laval's brewing equipment is your key to enhancing efficiency, ensuring quality and promoting sustainability in your beer and beyond beer operations.

Featured products


Brew series separators or centrifuges

Alfa Laval's Brew series separators/centrifuges offer a range of benefits that elevate beer production standards. Brew series centrifuges play a pivotal role in efficiently separating beer, hops and yeast, during or after fermentation, achieving desired levels of clarity or haze in the final product and facilitating beer recovery. These factors help enhance visual appeal and customer satisfaction while minimizing waste, ensuring consistency and prolonged shelf life, and promoting sustainable brewing practices.

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Cold block projects

Alfa Laval plays a pivotal role in cold block projects which extends to process solutions, process equipment and related services offered in projects from brewery systems, including a customized process design to address the specific needs of each brewery. Design concepts from Alfa Laval always feature state-of-the-art process technology and innovative equipment, ensuring your brewery benefits from the latest advancements, and come with comprehensive services for your brewery equipment.

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The Alfa Laval Aldox water deaeration system efficiently removes oxygen from water, ensuring optimal conditions for brewing. By employing a combination of vacuum and membrane technology, it significantly reduces oxygen levels, preventing off-flavors and prolonging the shelf life of the beer. Breweries can rely on Aldox to consistently produce high-quality brews, enhancing both taste and stability throughout the brewing process.

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Flexitherm is an advanced automatic beer pasteurization machine designed to enhance the efficiency and reliability of the beer brewing process, with minimum beer loss. This thermal processing equipment ensures consistent pasteurization, eliminating microbiological spoilage, improving product safety and optimizing energy and water use, all while maintaining the quality and flavor of the beer and other carbonated beverages.

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Find the right solution for your brewery

Navigating the intricacies of brewing comes with a set of unique challenges, and Alfa Laval addresses these hurdles with tailored solutions at various critical stages of the process. Our cutting-edge technologies help breweries efficiently separate solids from liquids and control hop additions, among other processes, ensuring the clarity, flavor and quality of the final product. From deaeration to wort treatment, flash pasteurization and heat treatment, carbonation, blending, mixing and dosing, our solutions offer a comprehensive toolkit to meet the diverse challenges faced by brewers, fostering innovation and excellence throughout the brewing journey.

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Separators or centrifuges

Alfa Laval centrifuges are widely used in breweries to improve yields, adapt to demand fluctuations and sustain profitability in various processes, such as pre-clarification, green beer separation, hot wort separation and beer recovery.

Related products include:

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Cold block projects

In cold block projects, Alfa Laval products prove invaluable for maintaining and controlling your brewing process during various stages of production. A consistent, reliable and effective fermentation process relies on beer brewing equipment that guarantees high-quality yeast management, hygienic design and accurate maintenance and control of process variables. Alfa Laval's cold block process solutions help overcome common issues to unlock the full potential of your brewery process line.

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Deaerated water

Our brewery deaeration modules offer efficient deaeration of water at ambient temperature, with options for hot or cold water deaeration. These fully automatic, self-contained and pre-assembled modules adapt easily to various complexity, deaeration level, atmospheric pressure and automation requirements, providing a low-maintenance solution with stable and reliable operation without the need for pressure vessels or vacuum pumps.

Related products include:

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Flash pasteurization and heat treatment

In flash pasteurization and heat treatment processes, Alfa Laval's equipment helps breweries achieve the necessary temperature control to eliminate harmful microorganisms while preserving the beer's flavor. This technology ensures the safety and stability of the final product, enhancing quality and shelf life, without compromising its sensory characteristics.

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Carbonation, blending, dosing and mixing

Alfa Laval's blending modules are designed for precision and accuracy in the brewing industry, featuring systems for carbonation, blending and dosing for beer and beverages. These modules are versatile and adaptable to different process requirements, offering easy installation with automatic control, low maintenance requirements and reliable operation for easy CIP.

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Alfa Laval offers multiple solutions for effective dry-hopping, to improve yield and reduce losses without sacrificing sensory or quality standards. Both in-tank/internal and external technologies offer advantages for large and small-to-medium size breweries, depending on tank size and hop dosing levels. Advantages of both systems include the fast and efficient extraction of desirable hop oils, aromas and compounds while reducing waste/losses, labor and total process time and increasing safety.

Related products include:

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Alfa Laval offers cost-effective solutions for removing or reducing alcohol in beer, wine, cider or other alcoholic beverages, enabling you to access growing low and no-alcohol markets. These solutions work for various types of beer, preserving natural flavors and providing a single source supply and flexibility in flow rates and equipment options, making installation and integration straightforward and ensuring energy-efficient production.

Related products include:


Yeast management

Our comprehensive range of yeast management modules are designed to ensure gentle handling of yeast, leading to consistent fermentation performance. These modules optimize yeast growth and fermentation conditions, minimize surplus yeast, provide automatic pitching options, incorporate in-line viable yeast measurement, enable efficient harvesting and storage and help extend yeast use over multiple brews, providing cost-effective solutions for breweries.

Related products include:


Beer and beverage concentration

Alfa Laval offers beer and beverage concentration solutions that remove water from fermented products using high-pressure, low-temperature reverse-osmosis. The resulting high-quality beverage concentrate, when rehydrated, maintains the taste, aroma and alcohol content of the original product, allowing for a more efficient supply chain with reduced packaging and shipping costs, simplified logistics and a lower environmental impact.

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Coolers and warmers

Beer and beverage coolers and warmers from Alfa Laval play a key role in controlling the temperature of beverages at different stages of production, ensuring optimal conditions for fermentation, maturation and storage. These pre-assembled beer cooler systems can be used for cooling green beer during transfer and chilling final beer before filtration or transfer.

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Additional cellar solutions

Alfa Laval offers a wide range of brewery equipment and cellar solutions to meet requirements for breweries of all sizes. Whether you are looking to streamline processes, enhance beer quality or improve hygiene and sterility, our modularized systems can help. From sampling to filtration and cleaning, you can do it all.

Related products include:

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Gasketed plate-and-frame heat exchangers

Gasketed plate-and-frame heat exchangers from Alfa Laval are instrumental in controlling temperatures during various stages of brewing, contributing to the overall efficiency and quality of the beer production process. Our premium range of heat exchangers are designed for hygiene, energy efficiency and sustainability.

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Alfa Laval's centrifugal, rotary lobe, circumferential and twin screw pumps are designed for hygienic and durable fluid transfer, ensuring the smooth and precise movement of liquids throughout the brewing process. Superior technology provides reliable and highly efficient handling, contributing to substantial energy savings and high-quality beer production.

Related products include:

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Valves are a crucial factor in controlling the flow of liquids and gases during different brewing stages, whether single seat, butterfly or double seat. Alfa Laval’s robust offering of valves and other brewery components provide cost-effective and versatile configurations, ensuring precision, reliability and hygiene in your beer production process.

Related products include:


Wastewater treatment

Wastewater treatment solutions from Alfa Laval contribute to sustainable brewing practices by efficiently treating and managing the wastewater generated during the brewing process, minimizing environmental impact. By maximizing capacity and resource recovery, our wastewater solutions can minimize costs and implement a circular-economy perspective in your operation.

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Tank top systems

Alfa Laval's brewery tank top plate assemblies are essential components, serving as top-mounted, solid stainless-steel plates equipped with tank safety equipment for pressurized beer tanks. These assemblies offer cost-effective tank insulation, easy installation, straightforward operation, low maintenance and CIP, providing functions like compensation with gas for volume changes, pressure control, protection against overpressure or vacuum and tank cleaning.

Related products include:

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Tank cleaning

Tank cleaning solutions from Alfa Laval are designed to effectively clean and sanitize brewery tanks, contributing to the maintenance of hygiene and the prevention of microbial contamination. Our Toftejorg and Gammajet lines offer exceptional performance, improved end-product quality, increased overall output and significant operating cost reductions.

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Tank mixers

Tank mixers and agitators from Alfa Laval facilitate efficient mixing of ingredients during various brewing stages, ensuring homogeneity and consistency in the final product. Tank mixers from Alfa Laval can be customized for different sizes and required speeds to optimize power consumption and maximize product yield. In addition, our tank agitators come in multiple mounting positions, providing versatile mixing solutions for various applications.

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Craft brewing

Add our expertise and professional brewing equipment to your passion for craft brewing. Alfa Laval can help you on your unique craft brewing journey and overcome challenges.

Craft brewing solutions

Industrial brewing

Alfa Laval has a vast range of proven industrial brewing equipment and solutions to meet your efficiency, reliability and consistency requirements on a commercial scale.

Commercial brewing tank farm